The terms listed on this page relate to the ownership, copyrights and affiliations, among other things, of the Real Money Blackjack website.
The Basics
Real Money Blackjack is a content website that focuses on useful, informative and helpful content for gamblers across Canada. This site was created for Canadian gamblers, but it can be used by anyone with a passion for gambling, assuming they are of a responsible nature and a legal age. Real Money Blackjack does not sell a product or a service, but it does link to other sites that do. In such cases, readers are reminded that Real Money Blackjack does not have any connections to these sites beyond those links, that the terms listed herein do not apply outside of this website and that Real Money Blackjack can not be held responsible for anything that happens beyond its own boundaries.
At Real Money Blackjack we do what we can to make sure that the information we provide is accurate, helpful and up to date. However, this is not always possible. We acknowledge that mistakes can be made and we ask that our readers do the same. As such, we are not liable for any of these mistakes or for anything that results from them. We are not infallible and our writers and content makers are prone to mistakes, so the content you find on Real Money Blackjack should not be relied upon and should be researched further.
Your Privacy
In the rare event that we request information from you, whether this be through a contact form, a newsletter subscription or any similar method, then we can guarantee that this will be kept safe and secure and that it will never be used for any purposes that you have not specifically requested. There are very few instances in which you will need to provide us with such information, but we will always endeavour to keep it secure when it does arrive.
To read more about how your privacy is treated on the Real Money Blackjack website, please read our Privacy Policy.
Ownership and Copyrights
At Real Money Blackjack we treat copyrights very seriously and will never use any work that was not created exclusively for Real Money Blackjack, or is not available in the public domain. As such, we ask that all readers treat our content with the same respect. When this is not the case, and when we discover that our content has been used elsewhere without our permission, then we may take legal action.
If you do wish to use any of the content on Real Money Blackjack, whether in full, partial or quoted form, then we ask that you contact us first and request permission.
We cannot guarantee that we will allow you to use our content, but if proper attribution is applied and if we believe it to be beneficial, then we may allow it.
Changes and Consent
Should we need to change these policies at any time, then we reserve the right to make those changes without notifying our members in advance. Due to the nature of the Real Money Blackjack website, and most notably its lack of a “member” function, it is not always possible for us to notify readers in advance of any upcoming changes. However, if those changes are significant and we feel it is necessary to make such an announcement, then we will try our best to do so.
In either case, your consent for these policies and those changes, whether they are announced or not, is implied if you continue to use the Real Money Blackjack website.
Real Money Blackjack is a gambling site and it was created for responsible gamblers of a legal gambling age. By creating this site and all of its content we are assuming that only those who can legally gamble, and those who can gamble responsibly, are using it. We can therefore not be held responsible when that is not the case and when someone with a gambling problem uses by a minor or this site.
We are as wise to problem gambling as everyone is in this industry and we always do what we can to help those who struggle with this issue. We would never endorse gambling by those who have a problem and anyone with such an issue should not use the Real Money Blackjack website.
As a site that focuses on gambling, Real Money Blackjack includes content that provides advice and recommendations relating to this industry. The purpose of this is to provide tips relating to certain games, websites and software, tips that may be able to improve your returns. However, this is never a guarantee and by providing such content we are assuming that as responsible gamblers, all of our readers understand this. We can therefore not be held responsible for anything that happens to a user as a result of this advice.